
WORK 2017—2022

When AIGA Austin heard Aaron James Draplin was on his way into town we knew the announcement needed to match his stature and girth. With the blessing of AIGA Austin president Bart Kibbe and programming chair Corey Carbo, I was provided clearance for takeoff.

sector | non-profit
information | program / lecture announcement
project | poster
role | designer
client | aiga austin / draplin design co.


The back story is simple... if there is any other designer in a plane as much as I am, it's Draplin. As an avid follower of his tweets I noticed a unique hashtag trend he began in early 2013; #largemaninasmallseat

In order to honor a mutual travel gripe I decided to celebrate his hashtag via a seat map schematic depicting DDC ✈ AUS. Needless to say Draplin was provided a first class welcome from AIGA Austin and McGarrah Jessee. Special thanks to Judy Schulz at OK Paper and Industry Print Shop. Shitchyeah!